The Bar Vancouver

The Bar Vancouver
Powerlifting - Calisthenics - Rehab

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Shawn Adair - Vancouver Peronal Trainer and Strength Coach

 This sums up my training in 2016... Always  trying to combine a variety of training styles into my own because this is what I truly enjoy😊
Plyometrics, also just general body control and athleticism are my main areas. Find what training style(s) you enjoy that will help get you to your own personal goals, remember to always think outside the box and try different areas. It's amazing how adding in some calisthenics will help powerlifting or how some pre-hab will help you to breath and brace better for squats/deads🤔 explore more aspects don't get stuck in 1 modality...2017 will be even better 💪🏼😊

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